Thursday, April 25, 2019

Doctors and D Poles. . .

Update on my many doctors' appointments, this is part of my self care routine.  I have neglected myself for the last 14 years while keeping up with the kids and the house.  I got a good report on my pap and my routine physical, got a good report on my Cologuard test so no colonoscopy for this girl.  Yesterday I had a visit with a doctor about my migraines.  He is an OB/Gyn but has personal experience with women with what I call menstrual migraines, those migraine like headaches that happen after your cycle that migraine medicine does not seem to help.  Mine are bad and have been for some time but, these last few years they seem to have gotten worse.  I had a nice visit with this doctor and funny thing his wife has gone through this same thing and here I thought I was all alone.  It was nice to talk with someone that you knew understood what you were saying.  I came away from that visit feeling like I may be on a path to remedy.  We have a plan and a follow up in 3 months to see how it helps. 
Big T had his last lacrosse game he played well and I am happy and sad to see the season end.  They played a really good team last night and several of the kids Big T had played against and with when he played Summer league.  It was funny to see him talking with his friends on the other team. This teams coach had also coached him in Summer league so that was kinda funny too.  Big T has decided to play with Sprats' wooden D pole.  To play with a wooden D pole is a lot different than playing with the light weight aluminum, titanium, or scandium.  The wooden D pole is heavier and packs a punch when you hit someone with it.  Sprat abused the offense when he played with his D pole but Sprat was a little bigger than Big T is.  Sprat had no trouble wielding that D pole, he broke four poles last year over kids bodies.  It was fun watching Big T play with his brothers' pole last night.  He had several good hits and stopped several shots on goal. I was a little worried about how he would do with the heavier pole but he did great. I did not get to see him play on Tuesday night but he used it then too.   We did not get the W but it was great watching him play. 

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