Monday, October 13, 2008

Christmas Wish lists. . .

Yes, I know it is only October but for some reason my children are already making their lists. Once Thomas gets home from school and does his homework he watches TV. Every time a commercial comes on he runs up the stairs to tell me to add whatever he has seen to his list. The other day I was a little surprised when he came upstairs and said, "Mommy I want and easy bake microwave, you the thing that I can make cupcakes with." I said yes, I know what they are I used to have one when I was little. He then says, "You did?" With great excitement. Did you make cupcakes with yours Mommy? He asked. I said yes, and cakes. Well, I only want to do cupcakes he replied. Then he says, "I know it is a girl toy but I still want it." I told him that was ok. That some of the great chefs are men.

Now Jack on the other hand is going to be more difficult this year. Thomas is at the age he wants everything he sees on TV. Jack is a little more discerning about what he wants. He said he would like a new bike. He does need a new one he has had this one for almost 4 years and he is almost to big for it. That is all he has said so far.

We try to match dollar for dollar what the kids get for Christmas. I don't want one to think he got more than the other one did. So with Jack possibly getting a new bike I do not know what to get Thomas. I think Thomas could use Jacks' old bike. There is nothing wrong with it, it is actually in really good shape. I am not ashamed to say my kids do get hand-me-downs.


Beth Cotell said...

There's nothing wrong with hand-me-downs.

The next door neighbors gave us their son's old bike and it is the next size up in bikes for Peter. It's a little "used" looking but it's free! I love free!

And as for Peter...all he wants are Legos.

I like the Easy Bake Oven idea...but for Sarah! :)

Pampered Mom said...

Thomas wants legos too. I think that and the easy bake are the main things.