Sofie is the 6 yr. old daughter of a friend of mine and is suffering a stage 4 Wilms cancer of her kidney. They got good news yesterday and this particular type of cancer does well with Chemo therapy. Sofie started her Chemo yesterday. Their doctor told them that all of the cases she has treated were successful. This gives them great hope. Cindy posted on the Caring Bridge, "Thanks be to God". She also was very thankful for all of her "prayer warriors". I like that term. We are prayer warriors. We battle evil every day in prayer. So thank you to all of my friends and folks reading my blog for praying you can tell God is working this Thanksgiving season. Even though we know he never stops, it so nice that he lets us be privy to his work sometimes.
I got to see Cindy yesterday and I have to say that was one of the hardest things I have ever done. It seems so simple, go visit your friend at the hospital. It is so much harder than that. I wanted to be strong for her. I did not want to loose my cool and blubber like a big baby. She is the one going through this turmoil, I should be able to hold it together. I did ok, I broke down a little. I guess when it is your child going through something like that, the Lord gives you that unmeasurable strength you hear about. Cindy has a strong faith and I know the people that are around her also have that faith as well. I could see it in her.
Please continue to pray for Sofie, Cindy and their family as they continue Chemo and recovery.
I am continuing to pray for Sofie. So glad to hear that her cancer is treatable and that the doctors have great confidence in their abilities to help her! Thanks for your updates...they remind me that I need to stop what I am doing and pray for her as soon as I see them!
Your prayers are being felt. She is doing well with chemo. Thank you so much!!
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