Saturday, March 9, 2013

Texting and driving? ? ? ?

So yesterday in all my running around I was almost hit four different times by four different people.  I was beginning to think I was driving with my cloaking device on.  It was like I was completely invisible to everyone around me.  I know my little blackberry is not as big and bold as good old Big Bertha was but good grief.   I watched two people that I know were texting while driving.  I  do not understand the arrogance of some people.  One young man was doing at least 70 down the highway texting or on his computer or something.  How can you think you have control over a vehicle going that fast and you are not paying attention.  I watched him as he flew by me and swerved to one side and then to the other too many times to count.  The bad thing was that there was a car that was riding his tail.  What was that car thinking?  If the guy in front wrecked he would surely take out everyone around him.   I watched one coming home after school, I am assuming it was a student, going down a very curvy road swerving all over the road.  I know how these kids are having wrecks, they are doing everything behind the wheel except paying attention to the driving.
After dropping my oldest off at school I was on the back roads going home and I had a van stuck up my rear end.  If I had to stop for anything they would have killed me.  He was so close that I could smell his breath.  I do not drive that slow, I usually do the speed limit or a little over.  I was getting ready to turn in to our development and this guy flew around me.  You have to slow down to turn into our development because of the angle of the turn.  If you don't you could either take out the person sitting waiting to turn onto the road or take out the brick marker for the development.
Where has our common courtesy gone?  Is everyone so consumed by themselves that they would rather push someone off the road and hurt them just to get on their way?   Are people really that hurried and that unconcerned with someone else's life?  I think this is what is wrong with our society as a whole today.  It is all about me, me, me and self, self, self, who cares about anyone else.  I think we have lost all respect for everything we used to hold dear.  Kids don't respect their parents, so why should they respect their teachers or any other adult for that matter.  This makes me sad.  If we don't start teaching the younger children about respecting their elders I dread to see what our Country will be like in the future.

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