Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Garden. . .

Dear hubby tilled the garden yesterday and began to plant.  He started with onions, sweet peas, pea pods, and lettuce.  All of my favorites.  It is so easy to eat healthy in the summer and proper growing seasons.  I eat so much better at this time and so does my family.  Last year I really think we saved a lot of money by eating out of our garden and it was so good too.  Dear hubby has made a run to pick up some cabbage plants and a few other things that we do not plant from seeds.  I am so excited about our garden.  I love cabbage, I  put it in Mountain Stew (moms' recipe) and I have seen a few other things I would like to try with it.
Along with preparing our garden we also compost all year.  Composting works more efficiently in the warmer months but we still add our usable garbage to our composter all year.  I add egg shells rinsed, anything I trim off of veggies I get at the store, coffee grounds, tea grounds, rinds of any fruit, and card board egg shell cartons.  You can also use the card board egg cartons to start plants from seed in your house.  It's great to start herbs in and let your kids watch them grow.  My kids like to help plant potatoes and onions.  They don't really care about planting seeds.
You will be seeing more about the garden as the season moves on.  I will try and get some pictures posted too.

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