Friday, June 20, 2014

Our little Garden. . .

I call it our little garden, in fact, it is my dear hubbys' garden.   I have to brag on him today.  He has the green thumb in our little family.   I am so proud of him.  He takes very good care of his little garden. 
Every year we have some volunteer plants that come up.  Last year it was watermelon this year we have pumpkins.   We threw all our pumpkin guts in the garden last year including the seeds and plowed it under at the end of the season.  That is how we have pumpkins this year.   We don't mind the volunteers,  it always makes things interesting.
Our "on purpose" crops this year are: zucchini,  sweet peas, cucumbers, onions, cabbage,  broccoli,  lettuce, tomatoes,  peppers, and last but not least potatoes.    Right now our biggest producer is the zucchini.   The lettuce is fading and the peas are finishing up, our cabbage and broccoli are done. 
My dear hubby is most excited about the pumpkins.  He cannot wait to carve them for Halloween.  I am very proud of my hubby and his ability to do and grow anything he sets his mind to or that volunteers.   I must give the good Lord above credit also for our little garden because he has blessed it tremendously this year.   My hubby prays over our garden as he prepares for planting  and each time he plants something new.   I love this man more and more each day.   He  has been out of town a lot this year due to work and I have been left in charge of the garden.  Quite a daunting task for someone with the not so green thumb.   He comes home today and I cannot wait.  He will be so surprised when he sees his pumpkins.  I just hope they will be ready for Halloween.  They sure are pretty.

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