Thursday, July 10, 2014

Evil Credit Cards. . .

I have posted numerous times about how much I love Dave Ramsey.   I am not paid by him so this not an advertisement but a testament to his program. 
I read his books and semi followed his plan for several years before I got serious.  It has been two years since I took his Financial Peace University class,  I loved it.  It brought all of my reading together and wow.  We are on our way to being debt free.  I am not saying you have to do everything he says, you can pick and choose how you want to approach each thing.  We don't do everything he recommends but we do most. 
The item that rings so true is the; do not use credit card part.   When I was in college I was a credit card queen.  I had them all and they all had a balance.   I wish I had known about Dave in college.   When my hubby and I decided to have the plastic surgery, as Dave puts it, we started keeping the free credit advertisements that we got in the mail.  I kept them for each of us for a month.   I totalled up how much credit or debt we could have if we had signed up for them all.  Hubby had a total well over $500, 000 and I had over $300, 000.   Now imagine, we have two boys we hope will go to college one day and we would like to retire before we die.  Thank goodness after I totalled everything up I shreded those nasty little papers.  I must say having Dave's plastic surgery  was the best thing we ever did and I highly recommend it.
We use the envelope system which is like how your grandmother or great grandmother kept up with their money.   We give,  save, and spend in that order.  If you want a risk free look into Dave's program go to your library and check out one of his books.  That is how I got started.  Then I went to a used bookstore and bought his book.  Do your own reaearch and see what you think.  As always, I would love to hear from you and your thoughts on Dave. 

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