Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Lots of Possibilities this Week. . .

Positive things happening this week at our house.  The hubbs is on his second face to face interview with a company he thinks will be a great fit.   I get to be a mock juror this week for a local law firm.  I am so excited!!  If you do not know what a mock jury is, here is what I learned in my criminal justice classes last semester.  When a law firm has a big case and is not sure how a jury might perceive their client they will enlist the help of a mock jury to run their defense strategy by and see how they react.  This is going to be very exciting, I am like a little kid the night before Christmas.  I also applied for a couple jobs myself other than the mock juror position.  Now I have not been in the workforce since Big T was born and he is thirteen.  I got my first, I am sorry you do not fit with our company the other day.  I must say, I was a little hurt.  I sort of thought the "I don't fit" was a little odd, are they trying to stuff me into a container.  I know that God has a plan for us and in His plan I may not be working so, I am going with the flow.
I have been searching indeed jobs for what I think I would like to do, I have also looked on monster jobs.  These are two very good sites to check out when looking for employment.  If you are looking for more professional positions I would highly recommend Linked In.  This is where the hubbs has found all of his contacts and prospects for jobs.  He has also connected with some of his old college buddies and past colleagues.  A friend asked me the other day if anyone goes to the employment office anymore.  I told her I was not sure but, I think indeed and monster would be more help than the employment office these days.  I guess if you are filing for unemployment reimbursement then you would have to go to the employment office periodically.
Looking forward to a wild and crazy week.  Praying for the hubbs and that God's hand will be in what ever offer he receives.  I know He holds us in His hands and for that I am truly grateful.
Stay tuned for tells of our adventure we took last night. . .

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