Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dental work woes. . .

Had two dental implants earlier this week.The tooth pulling was not near as bad as having the implants.  I have been so sick the past two days, I am not sure if it was the anesthetic or just my headache or the combination of the two.  Geeze it was bad.  I am very dizzy today too.  Poor hubby is having to take another day off to babysit goofy me. 
To anyone I may have talked with via phone or text  the last two days I do apologize if I did not make sense.  I just remembered that the boat place called dear hubby about our boat but I do not remember what he said or what I told him.  I made hubby call them this morning to make sure everything was ok.
Hope I get over this loopy feeling today.   I have so much to do this week and cannot be bogged down.  

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