Friday, February 13, 2015

Finally Friday!!!!!

So how is everyone doing with their budgets?  It is not easy to stay on a budget but it is worth it in the end. 
I have those days and even weeks into months where you could almost see through the paper my budget was written on.  That is ok, your budget is a living organism,  and ever changing.   If you share your finances with a significant other or your spouse you really need to talk with each other when you are thinking of going off budget.  Finances are a key in tearing relationships apart, if there is no communication.   There will be arguments or loud discussions and that is ok, you must talk about things and hash out the details.  I am not saying you have to have a family meeting if you want to spend an extra $20 on something.   Set up parameters so that everyone is clear.   Hubby and I have our own mad money for whatever we want to spend it on.  That is worked into our budget every two weeks.  I am talking about going out and spending over $100 or so that is not in the budget.  I believe that should be discussed.  
Please remember,  this what we do, you should do what is comfortable for you and your family. 
Also remember that just because you fall off buget, do not completely give up.  Everyone makes mistakes, that is why you could see through my paper.  I make mistakes daily but I try to learn from them and I do not give up. 
Stay strong and hang in there.

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