Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Internet is like the Wilderness. . .

 Today our focus is going to be on keeping the kiddos safe online.  I know I have mentioned this topic before but, it needs to be repeated.  If you are like me you worry about the predators and the ugly things that linger on the Internet.   My brother was looking up a BBQ recipe one time and he just entered "brown sugar" in the search, you can just imagine what that brought up.  He was shocked at the images it produced and they had nothing to do with BBQ.   Imagine your child looking something up for school and what might end up in the search results.  There are ways to set up parameters for your childs' profile.    Yes, each person that uses your computer should have their own profile.  I did not think that was necessary until I took some of my computer classes.  You would be surprised at what your child might load on your computer without either of you realizing it.  This causes more issues with viruses and unnecessary programs taking up precious space and computer resources.
In one of my security classes we discussed how each person that uses your computer should have their own profile, especially your kids.  If your kids ages differ greatly this is very important.  You can set each profile (person) with their own limitations.   If your account is the administrative account then you should also  set up another administrative account.  This is the scenario that we discussed in class;  what if you change something on your computer and you end up locking it up, with another administrative account you can go in and undo what ever you did.  This is advice straight from my instructor, he had this happen with his computer.
By giving your kids their own profile there  is less opportunity that they will accidentally delete an important file or program of yours. They will not be able to download things from the Internet either without administrative permission.  Kids click on things very spasticaly on the computer and you never know what they might download but, if you have their profile set up then they will not be able to download anything without administrative permission.
This may seem like a lot of work but it will pay off in the long run.  I know that before I set our main computer up this way that both of my kids downloaded viruses inadvertently.   Kids do not know how to beware of pop ups and flashy ads and yes that is how some viruses find their way on your systems.  By doing these little things you will protect your kids and your computer from harmful things on the internet.

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