Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Next. . .

One down and three to go. . .  The hubbs received his first, thank you for applying but we have gone a different direction email yesterday.  He has three other jobs that he is in second and third interviews with so we are hopeful one of those will be the one.  He was not terribly upset over not getting this one because it would have required us to move to a different state.   The fact that he did not live in the center of the territory was the reason he did not get that job.  Personally, I think that is a dumb reason not to give someone a job.  If this person is the perfect candidate for the job and is willing to move if it works out why not put the best person for the job, in the job.  Instead they hire a less than qualified candidate just because they live in the optimal area.   That makes absolutely no sense what so ever to me, but what do I know I am just a mom/wife.
We still have three possibilities and who knows what tomorrow may bring.  We are hopeful that the job that is a perfect fit for him is still out there.  I have told him this is God's way of telling him to slow down and enjoy his family while he still has time.  While Sprat and I did the College tour the hubbs and Big T went fishing again.  They did catch some fish this time, Big T caught three and the hubbs caught one.   The hubbs said they had fun even though it was hot as blue blazes.  He has another fishing trip scheduled for tomorrow with his brother.
Today Sprat goes for his interview with our insurance agent.  Our insurance agent requires an interview with the student and the parents before he will sign off on an insurance policy for the student.  I do not think all agents do this but ours does.  He believes if he is going to give insurance to someone he should know them.  He knows the hubbs and I very well because he is a family friend and has been taking care of our insurance since we got married.  I actually think it is not a bad idea for the interview, this will help prepare Sprat for possible College interviews and certainly job interviews.

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