Friday, April 24, 2009

Beth this one is for you. . .

I read your "Monster Spray" blog and had to laugh. I can beat that one. When Jack was younger, ok he is only 9 now this was when he was about 3. He got scared one night and did not want to go to bed. Now, this is when our bedroom is right across the hall from his. He still did not want to go to bed.

Most days I can't remember my own name. But for some reason this particular night I was thinking on my feet, pretty quick I might add. I told Jack that monsters did not like loud noises and parents. I told him I knew of a dance that would get rid of the monsters. As parents it is important to be quick on our feet and sometimes do silly things in the name of a good nights rest.

This particular night I was in desperate need of a good nights sleep. I told him I knew of a chant to get rid of monsters. He said, "Oh Mommy please get rid of the monsters." So I began to hop on one foot around in a circle and yell at the top of my lungs, "All you monsters get out of my house NOW!!!!!" I twirled around and continued the chant. I clapped my hands really loud too for emphasis. Jack looked at me with wide eyes and said, "Wow, mommy that was good."

We had a good nights sleep from that point on. So Ladies and gentlemen sometimes in the name of sleep we have to be silly for our kids. If that means our house smells like a country garden or if we have to dance and chant a little it is ok. Your kids will use the same tactics when they have kids too.


Beth Cotell said...

A monster dance! What a great idea! I'll have to remember that if I run out of spray!

Pampered Mom said...

I liked the spray idea too. I am sure you did not look near as goofy as I did.