Thursday, April 30, 2009

Healthy eating. . .

I have been trying to eat better and fix healthier meals for the family. I have recently purchased a juicer. I love fresh veggies. I think because Mark does not eat a lot of veggies I have gotten away from eating them so much. Not a good thing at all. This has been going on since we started dating. So over the last seventeen years my good healthy diet that I had in college and before we met has gone to the dogs. Now I was not on a super healthy diet or anything but I ate a lot better then than I do now. I would like to get back to my better diet, hence the juicer.

My mom always used to make this vegetable spread with carrots, cucumbers, onion and cream cheese. It was one of my favorites even as a child. I used to carry it to school in my lunch in kindergarten. Now that I have my juicer, I juice my carrots and cucumbers together and drink their juice then I make my vegetable spread with their pulp. The juice is really good and of course I love my veggie spread. Jack tried my carrot juice and he did not like it very much. Mark was not to keen on the idea either until I fixed him a fresh glass of grape juice. He really liked it. I got my grapes at the Farmers' Market and they were seedless. It did not take many grapes to get a 6 oz glass of fresh juice. You know you hear all about the great effects of wine on your health I think this way it is even better. A small amount of alcohol can slow your metabolism down by as much as 50%. I read that in one of my magazines. So by juicing you are getting the best of both worlds. Yeah!!

Since I have been changing every ones diet my kids don't know what to think. Thomas asked the other day if we were going to have any meat for dinner. I laughed because I had not planned on any meat. I told him it was meatless Tuesday. He replied, "but we did not have any meat on Monday." I told him that was because it was meatless Monday. No, I am not trying to make my kids vegetarians but I am trying to get them to eat a variety of things. Last night we did have grilled chicken. Mark is a master on the grill. The other nights we had fresh zucchini over pasta (Italian) and on Tuesday we had zucchini with snow pea pods (Japanese) along with bow tie pasta (from the Barefoot Contessa).

We have ballgames and ball practice these next few days so the healthy eating may be a little less than healthy. See you at the ball field.

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