Friday, April 10, 2009

The News. . .

Ok, I just saw on the news that the NC Department of revenue is holding tax refund checks because they want to make sure the budget balances before they send them out. I am all for a balanced budget because I don't think they have ever had one. My question is: Would they wait 3-6 months while I balanced my personal budget before I paid them what I owed? I don't think so. I think they would probably send the law after me. Yet I have to wait to get what is rightfully mine to begin with. Yes, I am on my political high horse this morning. This business about waiting to balance the budget is a lot of you know what.

If you or I ran a business the way the government is run today they would all go under. Maybe that is the problem with the car industry. Maybe they have been running it the way the folks in Washington and the folks in Raleigh are running things. Hummm???? Kinda makes you think.

I am not pointing blame on anyone. We did not get this way overnight and it is not going to change that quick either. We did not get this way in 8years either. This has been a long line of miss management. I don't think throwing good money after bad is the answer either. I am referring to the bail out. When the company that was bailed out spent a whopping amount of money to "treat" it's CEOs', the ones that got them into the mess to begin with, to a spa retreat. Now how stupid is that?

I ask you, If you got money from your grandma to bail you out of a bind would you go and treat yourself to a beach trip? I hope not or grandma would probably come and get you.

Sorry for the rant but I had to get this off my chest.

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