Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Public Service Blog. . .

Ok, Mark just got back from California on Thursday and has had stomach issues since Wednesday. He got violently ill on Sunday and the on-call nurse called us every two hours just to see if he was ok. Mark is mildly diabetic and so his blood glucose was going crazy along with his bowels. So he went to the doctor yesterday and they gave him an antibiotic for his stomach bug. He did ok throughout the day but early this morning it started all over again. He went to the bathroom 10 + times from 4 am until 8 am. I told him he was either going to the doctor again or I was taking him to the ER.

I called the doctor and they said they would work him in. They had done blood work yesterday and they had that back. According to his blood work along with his symptoms he has E-coli. This is some nasty stuff. You get it from poorly cooked food and food cooked in unsanitary conditions. Now when he goes to these meetings they stay in the best hotels and are supposed to be served the best food ect. . . Since this all started while he was in California it is quite obvious that is where it came from. So folks be careful traveling and eating out. Also be careful what you drink. You do not know where their water comes from or how it is treated.

Mark was also dehydrated and had to have two bags of fluid along with another IV antibiotic to kill this bug. He is sleeping it off now. I hope we make it through tonight better than we have the past two nights. He has really taken a beating the past few days. He had lost 3lbs since yesterday. He says he does not recommend this as a diet.


Beth Cotell said...

Poor Mark! Did anyone else he was traveling with or at the meetings with have the same problems?

I hope he is feeling better now!

Pampered Mom said...

As far as he knows he is the only one. The meeting was a national one so people from all over the US were there so there is no way of knowing. The people in his area did not get sick.