Sunday, August 17, 2014

God knows what we need. . .

God truly  does know what we need when we need it.  I have been feeling kinda disconnected the last few days.   Feeling like there is nobody in my court.   I think I may be having a mid-life crisis.  No I don't want a Mercedes convertible or have an affair.   Although if anyone had a  convertible and wanted to give it away I would not say no. 
I think the reality that my babies, that are not really babies,  are growing up and I cannot stop it or slow it down.  I have been talking about having only four years left with my oldest and how I feel like I still have so much to teach him.  All the talk has sunk in and now I am panicking.  
I have also been feeling like when my kids are all grown and don't need me, who am I then?   I have always been Sprats' or Big T's mom.  So who am I when they are gone?   I know I will always be their mom but when they don't need me 24/7  who am I? 
So back to my title, God knows  what I need.  I got a call from my sister today and there is just something about talking with that person that makes you feel like it will all be ok.  We did not talk about any of this but just hearing her voice and knowing she thinks about me makes me feel better.   Sometimes it is just knowing that no matter what kind of mistake you may make or how bad you feel that she will always be there for you.
My dear sister called today to talk about nothing in particular but, I believe God sent her to me today because of how I have been feeling these past few days.  I needed to hear from her.   This is not to say my dear hubby is not there for me because he is.  Sometimes though it is a sister you need more than anything.    So to my sis, love you so much and thank you for calling and thank you God for sending her this day.


Beth Cotell said...

The beginning of school always makes me a little melancholy as well. Maybe instead of reflecting on the fact that they will be grown and gone in a few years, it would be better to reflect on how much they've changed and grown and matured and laughed and loved, etc....

Being a mom is tough but the rewards of a job well done are Christian, loving, faithful, compassionate, helpful ADULTS!

Hang in there Page!

pampered mom said...

Thank you Beth you are so sweet. Again God sends me who and what I need.