Sunday, August 10, 2014

Less than four weeks. . .

In less than  four weeks my oldest will be getting his drivers permit.  Eeeeeek!  Am I old enough to have a child with his permit?  Sadly,  I am more than old enough.  I am old enough to have a freshman in high school too.  Ughh!
After driving will come dating, I guess.  Dating these days scares me.
I saw where a young girl posted rules for other young girls to follow in high school.  It was a great list of things to do  and not do.  It had some that could be relevant to both boys and girls.  One of them  said to stay vertical.   I totally agree with that for boys too.   The other one I liked was; selfies are for faces.   One that she did not mention was, to not put yourself in a compromising  position to begin with.  
I gave my boys a talk the other day about dating etiquette.   Here are my rules for my boys on  that: 
  Do not ever honk the horn  or text a young lady to let her know you are in her driveway.

  Always go to the door and knock  and then walk her to the car and open the door for her. 

  Always open doors for ladies.

  Never make out or get smoochy in public.   Nobody wants to see that.

  Always walk a young lady to the door a little kiss goodnight and wait until she goes in before  you leave the porch. 

These are just a few of the things we talked about.  I brought these up becasue I have seen this happen and it is very sad.  It is sad that a girl would let a boy treat her this way and it is sad that the girls parents would allow her to be treated that way. 
   This day and age of technology has moved dating along to a level that is not for the better.  Our kids are learning about sex very early and seeing sexual material before they are ready.  Girls are sending explicit texts and pictures of themselves to boys.  I am here to tell you that my boys will  not be associating or dating any girl that does that.  Young ladies should hold on to their modesty for as long as possible, once it is released onto the internet you cannot ever get it back. 
  Maybe that should be the class they teach in elementary school.  Instead of sex ed, internet ed, how once you take a picture and send it to someone that somone can send it to many others and so on.  
  I know I have babbled on but, I hope you got my point.  

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