Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Political Soap Box. . .

Ok, I just received a disturbing email about the fact that our new President is going to sign legislation that will allow anyone to have an abortion including partial birth abortions. A partial birth abortion means the child could be born and live but instead they kill it. Sorry to be so graphic but desperate times call for desperate measures.

If this passes this will be an abomination. I am a mother of two wonderful, energetic, crazy boys and yes I complain about them sometimes but I would not have it any other way. I cannot imagine my life without these wonderful little people. Everyone says it is a choice and I am here to tell you it is not a choice it is a child.

There was a story in the news several years ago about a doctor that had to do surgery on a baby still in the womb. The baby was at 26 weeks. At 26 weeks it is legal to have an abortion in some areas of the country. They showed a picture of this baby reaching out of the womb and grabbing the doctors finger and holding on tight to it. After the surgery was done the womb was closed and placed back in the Mothers' tummy and the baby delivered at its' appropriate time. The baby was fine and healthy.

This is reason enough not to allow this legislation to progress. Please go to
and sign the petition to stop this.

I am sorry to have to get on my soap box today but this is very important to me.

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