Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Composter!!!!

Yeah, I now have a composter. Mark is putting it together today. Our garden did ok for a first year. Our soil is very poor. I think when they built our house they just grated all the top soil off and that left us with yucky soil. No nutrients what so ever. My goal is to use my composter to boost my garden for next year.

We did have a good crop of zucchini and cucumbers. I am still getting tomatoes so that is good. It has been a struggle though and I should have had a bumper crop of tomatoes with the number of plants we put in the ground. We have made salsa three times and it was good but too hot for my taste. Mark says I am a weenie. I think my taste buds have changed in my old age. I use to could eat hot stuff but now I just can't take it. The kids love the salsa so I know it must be pretty good.

Oh my gosh! I completely forgot to tell you about the fig tree. My figs are fabulous this year. I am picking about 5 per day. Yeah, I know that does not sound like a lot but I eat them right off the tree so five will fill both Mark and I up. The kids don't really like them yet. The are good size figs too. At the rate they are ripening I will have figs till October, if we don't have a cold snap.
I will keep you posted on the old composter. I know it will take some time to get compost so we will improvise until it is ready.

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