Friday, August 14, 2009

The Healthcare Plan???

Ok, I know this is political yet again and I am sorry skip it if you want to. I have to get this off my chest. I do not like the idea of the government telling me what doctor I can go see and when. Worse still the fact that they could decide that oh, your to old to have that surgery we'll just let you suffer. This is the government playing God and let's face it there is only one person out there fit for that job.

The news said the other night that the majority of healthcare benefits are spent in the last year of someones life. I say spend it. You have paid into these programs all of your life shouldn't you get something out of it.

My parents are 76 and in pretty good health they don't take a lot of meds for chronic things. My Dad still works out at the gym most days. He has high blood pressure and that is about it. My Mom battles osteoarthritis and that has only come on in the past say four years. Now, under this supposed plan of Health care reform should something happen to my parents that put them in the Hospital the doctors could say, Oh their too old to really do anything for them, they are at the end of their life. Let's just let them go. I don't think so. My father fell through the roof of our barn at age 63. He fell between 17 and 23 feet to a hard dirt floor. He crushed his right arm, cracked his pelvis in three places and lacerated his kidney. He was in traction in the ICU for 4 weeks on a respirator. He then went to the surgery floor where he spent another week in traction and then came home. He was to remain in bed for an additional 2-3 weeks. We taught him how to walk again. Like I said earlier he is 76 now and he has some pain in that right arm in the winter and he still goes to the gym almost everyday.

If that scenario had played out under this "healthcare" plan (I use that term very loosely) I don't think they would have done as much to save him. He took 18 plus units of blood and almost died twice in ICU. Now 13 years later I am glad President Obama was not in charge of my Dads' Health Care. If he had my Dad may not have seen the birth of three of his six grandchildren.

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