Saturday, August 22, 2009

Telemarketers ? ? ? ?

I know they have a job to do but they are soooo pushy. I absolutely hate getting telemarketer calls. Most of the time they are from non-profit organizations begging for money. I know they need money and I am just as sorry as I can be about each one of their causes. But, I have a family and we are working with one income since I stay at home with my kids and I really hate people asking me for money when I work everyday to make ends meet. This is not to say that I don't give to charity because I do. I support our local charities that are associated with our Church and I support our Church with 10% plus. I also am an avid gift giver to breast cancer research foundations and the American Cancer society. I don't want anyone to think I am callous or uncaring for these folks plight. I do care and I know everyone else does but these are hard times for everyone. Don't feel guilty for saying NO. It is ok to say NO. I did.

I really do not like these people constantly calling with their hands out. Who is going to take care of my kids when we don't have money to pay bills. Not one person that's who. That is why today I took a stand and told the lady on the phone that I could not do it this time. I have been bombarded by the Police, Firemen, Cancer Assoc, Mammogram people, and the Children's Miracle network. I have given to many of these over the years and this year as well but today I stood my ground and said, NO. I am not even sure if these organizations actually get the money we give. Yes, this is not your local police or firefighters calling you. They may put on their best southern accent for you but they are not local. I know for a fact that the one group that used to represent the police only gave forty to fifty cents on the dollar to the police they were collecting for. I know this because my father-in- law and brother-in-law are both retired from the local police and my mother-in-law looked into it when she got a call to make a donation. I also know the fire department does not get all the money either because I have an uncle that is a retired firefighter. He was actually the Chief before he retired.

So if you want to give money to these charities go to them in your local area and write the check because otherwise they don't see that money. Also you can check them out with the Better Business Bureau to see if they are legit.

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