Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Weddings. . .

Worked the Wedding Show this weekend in Greensboro. It is always so cool to see what everyone has to offer the Brides. I don't remember all the fuss when we got married. They have Wedding directors, photographers, reception destinations, and destination weddings. When Mark and I got married we just did the old Church sanctuary and Church fellowship building. Mark and I did things very simple but elegant. Marks' niece is getting married next year so she and her Mom came to the Bridal show to check out all the goodies. They did pick her cake person out there so that was good. They went with Cakes by Manfred. He is the best. All the years I have been doing the Wedding show he has been there. He always brings me a piece of his cake at the end of the show. It is the best. If anyone you know is getting married I highly recommend Cakes by Manfred. He is the best! He is a very sweet gentleman and a wonderful baker too. His cakes are just melt in your mouth fabulous.

The other cool thing about the Wedding show is that they do fashion shows and you get to see all the newest styles for the up coming Wedding season. They had some gorgeous gowns this time.
Marks' niece is going to get married outside our Church on the lawn. We have a beautiful Church both inside and out. Then they have booked the country club for the reception. Mark is already complaining about that one. He is fussing about the date and the fact that he will have to drive to another place for the reception. He is such a fuddy duddy sometimes. It has nothing to do with his age he is just set in his ways. He is very traditional I guess. Although it did not take long for me to talk him in to renewing our vows in Las Vegas. He loves Las Vegas though. He had won a trip with his company in 2002 and we planed our trip to Vegas and I decided how cool it would be to renew our vows. He agreed. We renewed our vows at the Little White Wedding Chapel, the one where Elvis got married. We had such a great time. Some of Marks' friends that were in our Wedding the first time came down to join us in Vegas for the second time around. Now this was the year of our ninth wedding anniversary. We had such a great time in Vegas. We took a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon and landed to have a nice lunch in the Canyon. That was really cool. I did not like the helicopter ride so much but everything else was really cool.
The next time we renew our vows I want to do it on the Beach. Not sure if I can talk Mark in to that one or not. I think we should do it again for our 20th anniversary. That would be in 2013.


Lori said...

I was thinking the same things about how weddings have changed since I got married. I do want to renew our vows probably at 15 years and I talked to Stacy about going on a cruise that year also.
And of course, no comment from him
Guess I will have to plan and make him go

Pampered Mom said...

Just plan it and then tell him you guys had talked about it and he never said he didn't want to do it. HA HA!!!