Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Empty House. . .

Well, this week Jack is at camp and Thomas is at Memaws' for a few days. He hates sleeping upstairs by himself. So he talked his Memaw into letting him spend a few nights at her house. The house is sooo quiet. I had planned a nice dinner for Mark and I last night. We had pasta with a Vodka sauce that was really good and then I made cheese fondue. I know the two do not actually go together but that is what I was wanting to eat last night. It was really good. We had Key Lime Pie for dessert. Yummm!! Mark was surprised. He was not expecting all of that especially since I have been battling my back for the past several days.

I called Memaw this morning to check on Thomas and she said they had been very busy playing and reading. They went to the Library yesterday and got some Ghost story books. They played crochet and Memaw squirted him with the water hose. I think he is having great fun and he wants to stay another night. I am not sure about that I will have to talk with Memaw about that one. So I may be alone yet again. Ahhh the sound of silence.


Lori said...

Wow!!!! Alone in the house. At least it gives you so "me" time but sucks its raining today. But a good day to curl up with a book or watch what you want on the TV.

Beth Cotell said...

Enjoy your alone time!!

Pampered Mom said...

I did enjoy it. Relaxed and read and rested.