Saturday, December 27, 2014

Hello Monday. . .

As par for the course in our family I spent the day after Christmas in the ER with my dear hubby and a raging case of the FLU! !!  It was not lower case flu it was all caps FLU.   We spent 5 hours waiting to be seen and got to the pharmacy just in time to buy the last box of Tamiflu in the County.   I am thankful that my family is so very helpful and understanding.   I left sweet Basil and my boys with my mom and everyone else to keep an eye on.   Dear hubby was pretty much out of it the whole weekend. 
I did get to visit a little bit with my nieces but it was a whirlwind trip.  My niece helped to get me started on a slouchy beanie for me.  I have a beautiful pink yarn I have been dying to make a hat out of.  I wanted to crochet this one and I have not done much crochet so I needed help.  My niece has made a few different hats and she had a really cute one on at Thanksgiving and I wanted to make one similar to it.  This will be my feature on crafty Thursday.  
I hope the rest of our family does not get this FLU.  I checked in with dear hubbys' family on Sunday and so far nobody is sick on that side.  My family is ok right now too.  I do pray that none of them gwt this.  It is really bad.  Dear hubby also had the flu shot, so do be on guard for the symptoms.  This is nasty stuff.   I left my mom with Lysol to bomb the house after we left. 
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.   I am looking forward to a fabulous 2015.  

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