Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Techno Tuesday. . . Defragment the Hard Drive

I am running behind today, sorry for the late post.   Here are the thoughts for today on technology.
If you have an older computer using an older hard drive you should defragment it at least every few months.  If you feel like your computer is running slow then you should defrag more frequently.  If your computer is newer and has a solid state drive you do not need to defragment and in fact you should not degrament it.   The deframent program is strictly for older hard drives that have the platters (HDD).  Windows has a deframent program that comes with it but there are other programs you can use too.   Here is a site to check out for this and one other program you should know about.
At this site they offer FREE downloads of some of their products and then they offer premium product for a fee.  I use their FREE products and they are great.  The defragment program is very good.  Keep in mind if you have not defragmented your drive in a while or ever this will take some time.  This will also speed up your computer because your files will not be scattered all over your hard drive.
The other program that is helpful is the Duplicate File finder.  This program will find duplicate files and allow you to get rid of them.  This will free up disk space as well as speed up your computer.  You may think, I do not have any duplicate files,  but you do.  You will be surprised at how many duplicates you may have.  Under each of these programs it offers more information about them.  Check this out before you download to make sure you are getting what you want.   I love FREE downloads but I am very cautious of them too.  These were both given to me by my instructor and I trust him and his opinions.  I will not recommend anything that I do not trust or have not used personally.

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