Sunday, May 17, 2015

More on Dave. . .

I told you when I started this, that you would probably get tired of me saying, "Dave says," or "According to Dave" and such.  I follow most of Dave's principles  which in reality follow God's principles.  Dave said, you could get a PhD in finance simply by reading Proverbs.   At that point we were in the middle of reading Psalms with the kids, so I decided that after Psalms we would read Proverbs.   In all my years of reading the Bible, I had never really sat down and read the book of Proverbs.  You know, you read a verse here and there relating to a specific sermon or a Bible study but you do not sit down and read every verse.   After Dave's class we read Proverbs.
One of the things that impressed me most about Dave Ramsey is,  he incorporates the Bible and God into his financial lessons.  I have read a couple different books on finance by different people and so far, not one of them does that.  Dave not only talks about saving money but he also talks about giving, stewardship. Not many financial gurus would even think of discussing stewardship much less devote a whole section of their financial class to the subject.    He encourages you to give to charities and to the Church.  His big point at the end of his lesson is that could you imagine the good that can be done if we were all out of debt and could give freely to those in need.   Cool idea.
He talks about the things that our grandparents used to say, "the more you give the more you will receive."  
Several years ago we were doing a stewardship series at Church and I was asked to give my testimony.  I was terrified and yet very excited about getting to share how God had blessed our family.  I am very passionate about how God has worked in our lives.  We were only supposed to do a two minute talk, when I had finished writing down what was on my heart I had about a 15 minute talk.  I did trim it down, I did not want to drive anyone away.  The hubbs and I talked about what I would say, so I had his approval.  I shared some very personal things about our first few years of marriage and how we struggled and strained with money some days.  My point to my talk was that even though we struggled we still gave to our Church.  Money always found us just when we needed it and I believe it did because we gave and had faith.  We are after all, mere managers of what God has given us.  

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