Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tough week. . .

Dear hubby has been out of town this week.  It has been hard on everyone, all the way down to the dog.  He comes home tonight, cannot wait to see him.  I know there are families that have spouses that travel more frequently than mine, and I sympathize with them.  I am so thankful that he only travels a couple of times a year.  My kids have really stepped up to help out around the house and I am so proud of them.  They have helped with the meals and taking care of the dog and each other.  They have gotten up early to get ready for school so that we are not late.  This morning on the way to school I was saying my prayer with Jack and I just broke down.  I don't know if it is because dear hubby is coming home and I miss him so or if I am just worried about Jack.  Luckily my kids are used to me crying at times and I think they understand that Mom is emotional about things, especially them.  I love my kids and I worry about them so much in this mean world. Some days I think my kids are too innocent and kind for this hateful world.  I told Jack I was worried about he and his brother and all the meanness out there.  Jack replied, we are stronger than you think Mom.  He is growing up so fast and I am proud of the young man he is becoming but I am still worried.

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