Sunday, October 12, 2014

Crock pot Monday. . .

Tonight we will be able to have a  nice quiet family dinner.   Nobody has practice, I am on Fall break, and hubby does not have to work late.  Yayyy!!!!  I had to get myself in gear this morning and do my Wal-Mart run to get things started. 
Today I am trying a new crock pot chicken recipe I found on pinterest.  You cut 4 chicken breast into 1 inch cubes and layer in your crock pot; tater tots,  shredded cheese,  chicken.  Repeat and end with cheese on top.  Then pour 3/4 cup milk over the top.  Cook 4-6 hours.  Those that know me, know that I never go 100% by a recipe.   There is always something I change, either because I don't have an item or I substitute an item or I just out right forget to put something in.  So this time I had either Almond milk or heavy cream to use in my recipe.  I used the heavy cream and I probably used almost a cup.  I will let you  know how it turns out.  We will also be having field peas and snaps and some krispy baked kale.  The kale is my sister's recipe; kale, Olive oil, sea salt, and parmesan cheese.  Toss and bake spread out on a pan in the oven at 350 for 15 minutes.  I have never had kale so I will let you  know about that one too.   Sis says it gets crispy like a chip.   What is everyone else fixing for dinner?  

1 comment:

Pampered Mom said...

The kale did not go over at all. Nobody liked it. I will try it again, it may have been me. The tatertot chicken was wonderful!!! Will do that one again. I think the heavy cream did well.